"DUSK" Original abstract painting, Framed | Wall decor | Home decor

"DUSK" Original abstract painting, Framed | Wall decor | Home decor


Experience the vibrant energy of this stunning original abstract art piece. Featuring delicate shades of salmon and white, punctuated by bold touches of dark blue and red, this 12x12" canvas is sure to elevate any space. Let the dynamic interplay of colors and shapes transport you to a place of wonder and inspiration. Bring this beauty into your home today with this one-of-a-kind artwork!

Media: Acrylics and oils

Size: 12x12”

FRAMED (Floating frame included)


U.S. Orders: 3-7 business days

International Orders: 2-4 weeks

In case your shipment is international, I will be sending you an email with detailed information about the corresponding costs.

+Everytime you purchase an original from my website, you donate 10% to charities that support different cause categories.

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